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  • 17 2023.10
  • RaonSecure Successfully Concludes 'Security Up Seminar 2023'... Discussing the Future of Digital Authentication


- Introduction of various security and digital authentication trends and RaonSecure's business expansion strategy

- Pre-release of 'OmniOne Digital ID,' scheduled for release next month


RaonSecure, a leading IT security and authentication company (CEO Lee Soon-hyung, 042510), successfully concluded the 'Security IQ Up Seminar 2023' on the 17th, under the theme of 'the direction of next-generation digital authentication.'


The seminar, attended by over 200 participants including IT security personnel from financial institutions, public agencies, corporations, and educators, proceeded with discussions on various security and digital authentication trends, as well as RaonSecure's elevated digital authentication technology and service expansion strategy utilizing blockchain-based Decentralized Identity (DID) technology.


Kim Tae-jin, CTO of RaonSecure, took the stage as the first session speaker at the 'Security Up Seminar 2023,' presenting an overview of the development, key features, processes, and product roadmap of the 'OmniOne Digital ID,' scheduled for release next month. 'OmniOne Digital ID' is a platform for mobile credential issuance and verification based on blockchain identity authentication technology implemented as Software as a Service (SaaS)."


Various organizations including universities, businesses, and public institutions can provide various mobile credential issuance services without establishing separate self-credentialing systems, simply by creating an 'OmniOne Digital ID' account. RaonSecure plans to lead the digital ID market by advancing 'OmniOne Digital ID' into a cloud-based data platform.


In the first session of Part 2, Yoon Won-seok, Director of White Hat Center, explained the service overview and features of the metaverse practice platform 'Raon Metademy.' 'Raon Metademy' aims to provide an open service where diverse activities, economic activities, and free participation are possible within the service by converting web-based services into the metaverse and combining them with RaonSecure's blockchain technology.


In the final session titled ‘Response Strategy and Future Roadmap in the 'Post-Quantum Era,' the current status of quantum computing technology, the threat of quantum computing to current encryption, and RaonSecure's response strategy were introduced. The company plans to respond to the transition to Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) based on a phased product roadmap, including ▲ PQC reference code analysis (Phase 1) ▲ Commercialization of PQC-based libraries (Phase 2) ▲ Hybrid and Full PQC commercialization (Phase 3).


In addition, RaonSecure set up exhibition booths at the venue to introduce and demonstrate their security solutions and authentication services. Especially, the surprise pre-release of 'OmniOne Digital ID,' ahead of its launch next month, garnered significant attention from the attendees.


Lee Soon-hyung, CEO of RaonSecure, stated, "As digital transformation progresses across all industries, the need for advanced digital authentication utilizing blockchain technology in the next-generation security and authentication fields is emerging." He added, "Based on RaonSecure's leading technological capabilities, we will lead the new paradigm of global digital authentication." 
